
Happy Summer!!

30 June, 2017

Robyn Cadet


Thank you for visiting my quarterly blog. Summer is a time of year for parents and children alike, to exhale from the hectic school schedule and enjoy the warm weather and more relaxed routine. As your Pediatrician, I would like to give some helpful tips to ensure your safety and peace of mind as you and your family enjoy the warm summer months…

-Infants and children ages 6 months and older should wear sunscreen but if possible, infants should avoid direct sunlight between the hours of 10am and 2pm when ultraviolet sun rays are at their peak intensity. If your infant is less than 6 months, avoid direct sunlight altogether.

-Insect repellent should be used on infants and children 2 months of age and older.
Please see this website for more detailed information:

-Helmets should be worn when children ride bicycles, scooters and any other mechanical device.

-Pool safety is a crucial summertime topic. Never leave children unattended in a pool. Toddlers and infants should only swim in a pool accompanied by direct supervision of a responsible parent or caregiver in the pool as it takes only a second for a little one to slip underwater. In households with pools, there should be a pool fence that it not easily opened by little hands. Pool fence alarms are also a useful investment.

-Most adults grew up in a time when we played outdoors with our friends and neighbors. However, it is no secret that our world has changed and there are people out there who don’t have our children’s best interest in mind. Therefore, do not leave your child unattended outdoors and have a responsible adult nearby to ensure the safety of your child’s immediate surroundings.

To all of my Child Life Families, have a beautiful summer vacation and God bless you.

Sent with Love,
Dr Robyn Cadet